Canadian HR Awards 2021: Call for nominations!

'The past year has taught me that I'm really bad at predicting the future'

Canadian HR Awards 2021: Call for nominations!

As COVID-19 continues to devastate the nation, employees are feeling more dejected and stressed that ever before. 

The ongoing turmoil has played havoc with our collective mental health – with both managers and their teams reaching breaking point. As such, it’s never been so important to say thank you to your employees.

The 2021 Canadian HR Awards is on the horizon – the perfect opportunity to celebrate the efforts of individuals and departments in your organization. HRD recently spoke to Eric Termuende, world renowned keynote speaker and awards judge at this year’s competition, who relayed to us the necessity of embedding reward into your culture.

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“The past year has taught me that I'm really bad at predicting the future,” Termuende told HRD. “None of us could have expected the events of the past few months. As a result, we have to keep on our toes and assume that we can't predict the future moving forward. This year, it’s doubly important to recognize and reward our teams and employees - especially considering the upheaval they've just gone through. This is key to not only building great places to work, but in maintaining the livelihood of all the people these organizations are responsible for.”

As one of our esteemed judges, Termuende knows what it takes for an organization to make it in this year’s awards. For him, it’s less about comparing and contrasting yourself to competitors, and more about focusing on what makes your company one of a kind.

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“I’ll be looking at the originality of the individuals and the initiatives that they're pushing through,” Termuende continued. “For me, it’s not so much about comparing every nominee to the organization across the street and copying what they're doing. It's more about aspiring towards some sort of organizational emotion. Maybe it's belonging, or safety, or engagement, or happiness, or fulfilment – whatever it is, companies should be working with their team to see how they can best create that experience - an experience that's utterly unique to their organization.”

Do you know someone in your organization that deserves a nomination? Throw their name into the hat, here.

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