How well do your employees understand group insurance?

Educating the workplace on what's available to them boosts health, wellbeing, and productivity

How well do your employees understand group insurance?

This article was produced in partnership with Beneva.

Group insurance can be complicated. With an array of benefits, options, and terms of use, it can be challenging to fully grasp what’s available and how best to leverage it.

But it’s also a deeply beneficial tool to offer your employees, not just for their individual wellness but also for the health of your company. It’s a legitimate asset to a business: for example, it’s a fact that organizations that offer group insurance improve their chances of attracting new talent.

That’s why Beneva believes in education around group insurance and has gathered some tried-and-true tips that will enable you to skillfully enlighten your employees — and ensure they’re getting the full benefit of their benefits.

Make your explanation quick, clear, and thorough

Ultimately, you want to help employees understand that group insurance is a major asset for them and their loved ones. In fact, you might even say it’s a privilege. While every company is different, and you may have some tweaks to make to cater to your specific workforce, here’s a simple explanation to serve as a jumping off point:

“Group insurance is a plan provided by an employer to all its staff members. It’s valuable. It protects the financial security of employees and their families, and it gives you access to a host of health benefits.”

Beyond the perks like saving on health benefits and extended coverage, to name a few, it’s also necessary to explain the limitations of the plan. As clearly as you presented the benefits, set out the information on things like premiums and deductibles.

Be straightforward and remember the goal is to inform them of the aspects that could directly impact their lives. Employees should be able to take from your explanation all the information required for them to grasp the ins and outs of their group insurance.

Provide required information — and keep lines of communication open

While your explanation can be short and sweet, ensure employees are also provided with the information in paper or digital format so they can review it as well as see more fulsome details if they wish.

It’s likely you have an intranet page, microsite, or some other virtual space that all staff members can access and you can leverage as a “central hub” for group insurance documents, but don’t forget about the basics either: email is another great and reliable way to send information.

Another key element is communication. Regardless of how you choose to keep everyone up to date and informed, the paramount goal remains the same: provide answers to your people’s questions, and ASAP.

The classic information session

Tried and true for a reason, organizing information sessions is a classic method for raising awareness. It doesn’t have to be a three-hour long endeavor: introducing experts who can lead a short, direct presentation breaking down group insurance meets everyone’s expectations and can easily be included as part of your initiatives. 

Again, keep the focus narrow and explain the resources, coverages, and benefits available to them. A question-and-answer period is always appreciated, and is a good way to feel out comprehension and make sure the presentation hit the mark.

Going forward, be available for one-on-one exchanges with employees to resolve any lingering questions. If you don’t know an answer, find someone who does, and remember that while listening to experts and accessing information online or via email is great, there’s nothing like talking something through in person. Be receptive, helpful, and dedicated to ensuring every employee’s comprehension.

Master the subject before you teach it

Don’t overlook the importance of giving yourself a refresher course. To be able to properly inform your people about group insurance, you need to ensure you’re up to speed first. There are many excellent sources of information out there to achieve that goal, so take advantage of them.

And don’t forget to lean on your internal experts, such as human resources advisors or group insurance specialists.

Remember: if you want a message to be received, it must be well communicated. If you want your employees — and, in turn, your organization — to reap the full benefits of your group insurance, follow these simple tips to get the message out loud and clear.

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