CHRO reveals 'inspirational' life motto

Whether you're a medieval monarch or a tech tycoon, chances are you'll have a life motto

CHRO reveals 'inspirational' life motto

Carpe diem? Dum spiro spero? In vino veritas? Whether you’re a medieval monarch or a tech tycoon, chances are you’ll have a life motto.

What you pick, what it denotes, says a lot about your personality, your morals and your work ethic. 

HRD spoke to Angela Champ, chief human resources officer, people & culture at Prospera Credit Union and speaker at our upcoming HR Leaders Summit Vancouver, who revealed her personal, and professional, mantra.

“To inspire others to achieve their best potential,” explained Champ.

“It’s all about being honest and authentic with people – giving them the right feedback. For instance, maybe one of your people isn’t right for a certain role or perhaps they’re not performing as well as they could be. You need to show them that level of resect - tell them to their face so that they can evolve and reach their full potential.”

This motto also extends to Champ’s personal life, in being a good role model for family and friends.

“I many not always succeed, but I always try my best,” she laughed.

Having an inspirational mentor at the start of career has been found to have a direct impact on both how well you do in your chosen field and how likely you are to stay in a role. HR, in particular, is a sector which lends itself to personal development and mentorship.

Champ went on to explain how her own career in human resources had a rather unlikely start.

“I had an accidental career,” she told HRD. “When I was a little kid, I always wanted to be a social worker. As I grew older this turned into a teacher and then a lawyer. I ended up in insurance, working as an adjuster, and from there I forayed into learning and development.

“When I left the insurance company, begun my MBA, I drew upon my experience in L&D to join some HR groups. I actually wrote my MBA thesis on attracting and retaining aboriginal employees in the oil and gas sector. From there, I was hired by Petro-Canada to help implement my thesis – which was my first HR job.”

And when you think about it, Champ ended up fulfilling all of her childhood career goals – such is the variable nature of HR.

“I wanted to be a teacher – I ended up in learning and development. I wanted to be a lawyer – I now have to understand complex case law. And as for being a social worker – let me tell you, there’s plenty of emotional intelligence needed for a successful career in human resources.”

To hear more from Champ and other inspirational HR leaders, book your ticket to HR Leaders Summit Vancouver here.

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