Happy employees, great business

Venngo sheds light on 11 benefits of keeping employees happy

Happy employees, great business

HAPPY EMPLOYEES are a valuable business asset. They are the real ambassadors, the champions of a company’s mission and the internal influencers who bring true value to their organizations. Their happiness is crucial to the success of any business.

When employees are treated with care and respect, they are happy, engaged and productive. Organizational leaders the world over realize the numerous benefits of making employees happy and are continually striving to foster happy, fun and inspiring cultures.

1. They learn faster

Happy employees are much more open to learning new things on the job, thereby raising their overall effectiveness and value. They are also curious about the challenges they and the business face, which is essential in a modern setting where continuous learning fosters business growth.

2. They are productive and creative

Happy workers find it easier to concentrate on their tasks for longer periods and are more likely to come upon the creative ideas that help an organization hit targets and break new ground. According to a 2011 study published in the Harvard Business Review, happy employees are 31% more productive and three times more creative than their less satisfied counterparts.

3. They perform at a higher level

Happy employees are more likely to succeed in their everyday work assignments and deliver beyond expectations. In a study by the Social Market Foundation and the University of Warwick’s Centre on Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy, participants were given “happiness shocks” in the form of 10-minute comedy videos or snacks and drinks. The study concluded that these methods not only made the subjects happier but also increased their productivity by 12% compared to a control group that received nothing.

4. They aren’t afraid to take risks and make mistakes

Happier employees are more likely to take the calculated risks an organization needs to leap forward. Because they worry less about making mistakes, they end up making fewer mistakes. The occasional mistake won’t rattle them. They will recover, take responsibility for their actions, learn from the experience and find solutions to fix it.

5. They make good decisions

Even during crisis and disaster, engaged and happy employees can stay calm and focus on what’s important, enabling them to make informed decisions.

6. They don’t complain

Even if they run into problems – however big those problems may be – they will simply fix them, keeping the workflow moving instead of delaying the entire process by complaining.

7. They get sick less often

Unlike unhappy employees, they are not as susceptible to stressrelated illnesses and work-related fatigue, stress and burnout.

8. They help and ask for help

Happy employees are more eager to help their colleagues and participate in collective projects. If they need help or clarification, they will not hesitate to ask for it.

9. Their happiness is contagious

Happy employees spread their joy  throughout the organization. As they take delight in their work, they can serve as excellent role models for their colleagues and inspire them to enjoy their work, too.

10. They attract talent and customers

Happy employees are more likely to cooperate to achieve shared goals, foster company loyalty and encourage effective team bonding, which can help improve the employer brand and make it a magnet for top talent. Happy employees also attract customers. Multiple studies have found that customer loyalty increases when employees are happy and engaged.

11. They bring more growth to the business

A 2017 study by three researchers at Norwich Business School at the University of East Anglia found that a portfolio of companies with high employee satisfaction ratings on Glassdoor significantly outperformed the overall stock market, earning 1.35% higher returns.

The benefits of employee happiness are clear – so how can organizations create, foster and support it? One way that leading organizations are catering to employee happiness is by introducing a benefit program that extends the employee experience beyond the workplace. A benefit program that supports employees’ lifestyle helps them feel fulfilled both inside and outside the office, thus contributing to their overall happiness.

It is not only expedient but also advantageous for businesses of all sizes to integrate a benefit program as part of their company culture to promote workplace happiness and contribute to the organization’s overall success.

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