Rage and tears: Dealing with emotions in the office

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"

Rage and tears: Dealing with emotions in the office

Albert Einstein once said: “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

Making mistakes at work is part and parcel of career progression – an essential ingredient to success. So, why do so many of us have intense anxiety around failing?

A recent report form Robert Half Canada found that over four in 10 of us have cried at work, with 64% admitting they’ve fully lost their temper in the office.

But how is crying perceived by your colleagues? The study found that 44% of CFOs believe it’s fine for workers to have the occasional weep in the workplace, compared to just 38% of employees. In fact, your colleagues are harder on you than your leaders, with 32% of workers saying they think crying at work is never acceptable.

“Occasionally getting emotional at work is understandable, but frequent upsets can damage your reputation, and negatively impact coworker relationships and productivity,” said David King, Canadian president of Accountemps.

“In frustrating situations, it helps to take a step back before you react. Approaching challenges with patience and composure demonstrates your professionalism and can set you apart for career advancement or growth opportunities.”

As for anger in the office, 52% of workers say they’ve occasionally lost their temper, with 68% directing that rage at a fellow employee. Managers were the recipient of 37% of our rage, customers got 21% and vendors received 14%.

What’s your opinion on open emotions in the office? Tell us in the comments.


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