Can you make your workplace happier? You bet

When your employees are happy, they are also more creative, productive, less likely to leave the company, less absent, and less conflicts at work which means more money and better product. HRM offers 15 ways to start reinventing your workplace.

When your employees are happy, they are also more creative, productive, less likely to leave the company, less absent, and less conflicts at work which means more money and better product.

It's a win-win situation: successful employees are happy employees, and vice versa. When workers are happy at the workplace, they want to work harder and smarter. They are also more creative, productive, less likely to leave the company, less absent, and have fewer conflicts at work which ultimately means more money and better product. That’s according to Diane Lang, a psychotherapist, author and speaker, who offers 15 ways to make employees happy.

1. Appreciate your employees by recognizing their small accomplishments with praise and appreciation.

2. Don't wait for reviews/evaluation to praise your workers.

3. Show employees you care by paying attention to their small accomplishments.

4. Show your appreciation for hard work by giving compliments. 

5. You can never say thank you too much, it says, ‘I appreciate your hard work!’

6. Know your co-workers by name.

7. Be involved – say hello, ask them about their weekends, family, etc.

8. Socialization is a key factor for happiness so the more fun and social place the happier employees are.

9. Don't micromanage your employees! It lowers motivation, the mental health of the employee and the overall morale of the department.

10. Even more important than money/getting a raise at the workplace is free time. Offer motivation to your employees by getting a paid day off or offer a more flexible schedule. So instead of being set on the typical 9-5 hours, allow them to choose their schedule so maybe one day they come in 9-5 but the next day they need to pick up their kids early so they work 8-4. Flexibility allows your employees to have an outside life and take care of family; workers are much happier if they feel their employer is family-friendly and cares about their employees.

11. When a worker's basic needs are met and they are healthy, they are happier. Support your workers happiness by setting up an outside area to eat and walk so they can get their Vitamin D and dose of fresh air/nature. Can you offer a workout centre or have a deal with a gym where employees can get a discount? It’s also important to arrange company activities that include socialisation and exercise: walk or run for charity, outside picnics and barbecues with outside activities like volleyball, frisbee.  Offer lifestyle coaching or workshops for employees on well-being.

12. A healthy environment that includes good lighting, plenty of natural sunlight, a water cooler for plenty of fresh water, plants, etc.

13. Allow your workers to take small breaks where they can get up, stretch, and take a break from the computer so they can refresh which will help improve their creativity and productivity

14. Encourage holidays – workers come back happier, refreshed and motivated. Everyone needs a break.

15. Have weekly meetings going over the good news for the week. Most meetings go over what's missing or bad events that happen. Switch it around to a sharing the good meeting.

“Remember moods and emotions are contagious so be the happy boss! You’re the role model and mentor.  How you act is contagious. Encourage the simple things like hello, smiles, and lunch breaks,” Lang said.

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