Yukon extends Paid Sick Leave Rebate programme until March 2023

Leave days only apply after all employer-provided leave has been exhausted

Yukon extends Paid Sick Leave Rebate programme until March 2023

The Yukon government is extending its Paid Sick Leave Rebate programme until March 31, 2023, in a bid to provide workers protection from financial losses over the coming winter. The programme provides up to 10 days of wages for workers and self-employed individuals who’ve contracted COVID-19 and don’t have access to paid sick days. Initially, the programme was intended to end on September 30, 2022.

Economic development minister Ranj Pillai says the extension gives workers the "flexibility to ensure that they and their families remain healthy and safe."

"This programme has provided much-needed support to people across the territory throughout the pandemic and I am pleased that we can extend this service and offer financial relief to those who need it most.”

These paid sick leave days will only apply after all existing employer-provided leave has been exhausted, according to the government’s website. The programme can be accessed by employers and self-employed individuals, even without a doctor's note, however recipients must be Yukon-based in order to be eligible.

"The employer applies for the Paid Sick Leave Rebate to cover the exceeded hours based on the employee's missed scheduled hours, excluding overtime," reads the government's website. "The Paid Sick Leave Rebate programme reimburses the employer for the sick leave amount they paid. The maximum is $378.13 per employee per day for 10 workdays."

In the government's official portal, employers are eligible to apply if their employees and business are Yukon-based and meet three of the following requirements:

  • have an office with a physical address in the Yukon
  • is subject to the Yukon Income Tax Act
  • is registered as per the Business Corporations Act or the Partnership and Business Name Act, where applicable
  • have a valid municipal business licence where applicable

The employees must also be:

  • a Yukon resident with a valid Yukon health care card
  • have worked in the Yukon for at least 180 days prior to the 1st day of leave

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