Over 650,000 Canadians have accessed benefit so far, says government
The federal government has launched an ad campaign in support of the Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP), hoping to increase Canadians’ awareness about the program.
Ads promoting the plan will run until mid-October on several platforms including television, streaming services, relevant websites, social media and out-of-home ad spaces.
On television, the ad will run on over 50 stations across English and French Canada.
Currently, more than 20,500 providers are participating in the CDCP, representing 82% of active providers in Canada, offering a wide range of services such as cleanings, fillings and dentures.
Who qualifies for Canada's dental benefit?
The CDCP is currently open to eligible seniors, adults with a valid Disability Tax Credit certificate, and children under 18, and covers services like cleaning, fillings, dentures, and more – so Canadians pay less for healthy teeth.
Applications for all remaining eligible Canadians will begin in 2025. Eligible Canadians who successfully apply to the CDCP will receive a welcome package which will include their coverage start date or benefit effectivity date
Eligible Canadians who do not currently have a provider can consult Sun Life's CDCP Provider Search tool.
Ottawa noted that before receiving any services, those covered under the plan should always ask their provider if they agree to bill Sun Life directly and if there are any additional costs that will not be covered by the plan that they will be responsible for paying.
“The CDCP will not reimburse eligible Canadians for services covered under the plan, only participating providers,” it said.
Dental care for nine million Canadians
As of today, more than 2.4 million Canadians have been approved to receive coverage under the CDCP. Close to 650,000 of them have already received care; that comes to more than $442 million in dental expenses covered.
The program will make dental care more affordable for up to nine million Canadians, who are currently without insurance.
Ottawa revealed details of the CDCP rollout in late 2023. Budget 2023 announced an investment of $13 billion over five years, starting in 2023-24, and $4.4 billion ongoing, to implement the CDCP.
In 2025, online applications will open for uninsured Canadians between the ages of 18 and 64. Once fully implemented, the CDCP will help ease financial barriers to accessing oral health care for up to nine million uninsured Canadian residents with an annual family income of less than $90,000, according to the federal government.