Jennifer Vantuil, Director of human resources, Platinum Investments

Jennifer Vantuil of Platinum Investments is part of Human Resources Director Canada's Hot List 2018

Hot List 2018

Director of human resources

In late 2016, after witnessing business on the decline due to a dwindling economy and a nearly saturated hotel market, Jennifer Vantuil and other business partners decided it was time for everyone, HR included, to develop a much better understanding of their sales department. This meant looking closely into the performance of the sales teams and implementing efficiency strategies for them to widen their client reach while also improving the engagement levels of the salespeople themselves.

After gathering more information about sales structures outside the hospitality industry, Vantuil and her team came up with a new team structure with redefined parameters and focus, and provided new sales skills training. They also implemented a new compensation strategy that awarded commission for each business booked. To support the sales team, HR compiled data on feeder markets, clients and geographic location, placing it in a CRM that enables the setting of benchmarks and measuring of metrics. The result has been a more engaged and better trained sales team, and a significant growth in sales outreach.