Lighter side: People who screwed up their one job…

From recruitment ads that need a good proofing, to suggestive company logos that beggar belief, these workplace fails had us chuckling.

We’ve all worked with one of these people: you know, the guy or gal who only has to get one thing right, but they can’t seem to achieve it when you really, really need it?
It might be the assistant who realises they forgot to print out important documents for you before a meeting ­– again.
Or the admin support staffer who can’t locate your organisation’s most recent and up-to-date policy files… Even though they typed them up last month.
Then there are those on-the-job slip-ups that are not just inconvenient, but they’re also kind of hilarious.
These are the ones that have caught the attention of the clever content curators at Buzzfeed, who have compiled a list of ‘34 People Who Managed To Screw Up Their One Job’.
From recruitment ads that need a good proofing, to suggestive company logos that beggar belief, these workplace fails had us chuckling. Take a two-minute break with a cuppa and enjoy.

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