Everything’s changing – can HR keep up?

We’re on the brink of a new employment era – says one industry expert – HR must get ahead of the shift to survive.

The millennial lifestyle, along with their values and beliefs, is in complete contrast to that of the baby boomer – like it or not, HR will have to embrace big changes because generation Y is poised to take over the Canadian workforce.

According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 50 per cent of the U.S workforce will be made up of millennials by 2020. Another study, predicts the percentage will reach 75 per cent by 2025.

In Canada, the forecasts are 75% by the year 2028 and as these young up-and-comers take over our economy, the entire business environment will change.

“We have reached an important turning point in the world of work,” says Stephanie Noel, “a time when organizational success is no longer defined by economies of scale and efficiency, but by the ability to learn and innovate.”

“Technology is transforming how we work and what we do,” added the Queen’s University business development manager. “Global competition is the new normal.”
So how does HR prepare for this shift?

Industry experts Brenda Barker Scott and Queens University IRC Director Paul Juniper will be addressing the major issues on April 16, 2015 at the 2015 Workplace in Motion Summit.

The pair will be Joined by workshop facilitators Diane Locke, Françoise Morissette and Anne Grant, who will “delve more deeply into human resources, organizational development and labour relations issues.”

“Our bold agenda for this first Workplace in Motion Summit is to create space for re-thinking, reflecting and re-imagining,” says Barker Scott. “We’ll be challenging individuals and teams to view their systems from new perspectives.”
The summit is designed specifically for human resources, labour relations and organizational development professionals, as well as the leaders in their organizations. To find out more about the upcoming event in Toronto, or to register, click here.
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