Can mindfulness really transform your company culture?

Workplaces should encourage individualism and open dialogue about employees’ passions, claims one top leader.

Can mindfulness really transform your company culture?

Mindfulness can be a powerful tool for HR professionals, particularly when it has the power to transform their organisations’ leaders, teams and broader culture.

Steve Hoskins, managing director of Stop At Nothing (SAN) Australia, said that both teams and organisations can thrive when mindfulness is put into practice.

“When you know who you are, you are in control of your emotional well-being, live life free of drama and ego, have the power to avoid being triggered by others’ opposing states, and live with less stress and more productivity in life and work,” he said.

Hoskins said mindfulness has seen organisations transform from “dysfunctional under-performing entities” into highly productive, happy and profitable companies.

“If you imagine an entire organisation whose people are self-aware and working together, everyone would be looking to ensure their workmates are looked after, that their emotional states matter and looking to help wherever possible,” he added.

“This collective direction, away from self and towards others, removes the drama and ego that inhibits optimal business performance in workplaces.

“Employees are naturally happier, motivated to do great work, provide excellent levels of service and delivery of results, so everyone wins. It’s amazing to observe.”

Hoskins pointed out that what many organisations are missing is that rather than asking how they can get more out of their workers, they should reflect on what they can do so that their employees are on purpose with their life goals at work.

Hoskins said studies have shown that the more individuals feel that their occupation – and ultimately the daily tasks they perform – is connected to their purpose in life, the more productive and emotionally balanced they are.

“In turn, they’re more likely to encourage that in others,” he said.

“The classic saying ‘Love what you do and you’ll never work a day in your life’ is what we’re referring to here. Workplaces should encourage individualism, open dialogue about employees’ life interests, their loves, their hobbies, their unique nuances and idiosyncrasies.”

Managers and people leaders should take time out to address departmental alignment within the organisation and their connection to their “life purpose”.

Hoskins said this involves taking time out of the workplace, capturing everyone’s aligned goals and coming up with a vision for the next few years for their division and the company.

“Once the colours are nailed to the mast in this way, everyone pulls in the same direction and helps each other to succeed. It’s wonderful to see,” he said.


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