Ontario Court of Appeal news

The importance of playing nice: when employer misconduct leads to wrongful dismissal

The importance of playing nice: when employer misconduct leads to wrongful dismissal

Employer committed 'flagrant breaches of the minimum statutory employment standards in Ontario': court

Employer's conduct at termination may increase damages

Employer's conduct at termination may increase damages

Unfair, bad faith conduct by employer can exacerbate power dynamic and warrant moral damages

Ontario faces class-action lawsuit for cancelling basic income program

Ontario faces class-action lawsuit for cancelling basic income program

Pilot program originally scheduled to last 3 years

Ceiling? What ceiling?

Ceiling? What ceiling?

Goodbye to the 24-month limit on reasonable notice

No duty of care to employees in internal workplace investigations

No duty of care to employees in internal workplace investigations

Poor investigation can lead to wrongful dismissal, but no civil liability for negligence