How to increase learning opportunities for your frontline workers

Industries with frontline workers face unique challenges in delivering learning – LMS platforms are here to help

How to increase learning opportunities for your frontline workers

This article was produced in partnership with LMS365.

Employee retention remains a huge talking point for organizations worldwide - and when it comes to creating a positive employee experience, learning plays a pivotal role. 

LinkedIn’s 2023 Workplace Learning Report found that opportunities for learning, development and career growth are in the top five factors that people consider when pursuing new jobs. And if your people aren’t learning or developing new skills, they are increasingly likely to hit the job boards. 

According to learning and development expert LMS365, HR teams that consistently offer new learning opportunities will allow their teams to enhance their knowledge, lift motivation levels, and encourage a sense of personal and professional growth. However, LMS365 Business Executive Canada - Bill Lewis, says that industries with frontline workers are facing some unique challenges in delivering learning courses to staff. 

“Some of the biggest challenges include limited access to technology and online resources, time constraints due to shift work, and language barriers,” Lewis says. 

“Frontline workers may also have varying levels of digital literacy, making it essential to provide user-friendly and accessible learning solutions.” 

So far, these industries have trialed a variety of innovative approaches to learning. Some have implemented mobile learning solutions to reach employees on their own devices, creating bite-sized and easily digestible content to accommodate shorter learning opportunities, and providing multilingual resources to address language barriers. 

Others have implemented blended learning models that combine online and offline training methods to cater to the specific needs of frontline workers. However, Lewis notes that all of this can be captured with one Learning Management System (LMS) - a tool uniquely suited to frontline worker industries, which can fit learning opportunities into an employee’s existing flow of work. 

“There are many benefits to an LMS,” Lewis says. “Firstly, it provides a centralized platform where organizations can host and manage their learning content, making it easily accessible to employees at any time.” 

“Secondly, an LMS enables the creation of personalized learning paths and microlearning modules, allowing employees to learn at their own pace and convenience,” he explains. 

“Thirdly, an LMS can integrate with other systems, such as scheduling and performance management tools, to seamlessly incorporate learning into existing workflows.” 

An LMS will also have offline features, which enable mobile app users to train without access to the internet. Cross-role and back up training also encourages workers to progress within the company rather than seeking opportunities elsewhere. 

Launched in 2009, LMS365 is a comprehensive learning platform that is designed to provide democratized learning, break down barriers and ensure that learning is accessible to all employees, regardless of their roles or locations. Its key aim is to ensure that employees have the opportunity to continuously develop their skills, pursue their career goals, and thrive in their professional journey. 

“At LMS365, we are dedicated to partnering with organizations to create a culture of learning, enhance employee retention and satisfaction, and foster a workforce that is equipped for success in an ever-evolving world,” Lewis says. 

‘Together, let's unlock the full potential of your employees and ensure that learning becomes an integral part of their journey, leading to a more engaged, motivated, and fulfilled workforce.” 

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