How to drive recruitment in the post-pandemic world

A strong employer brand can go a long way for HR’s strategy

How to drive recruitment in the post-pandemic world

A well-managed employer brand can reap significant benefits for your overall talent strategy, said Callam Pickering, APAC economist at Indeed.

A strong brand that showcases what the organisation stands for can also be impactful in the post-pandemic world – it won’t just help you attract new talent, it’ll improve engagement and ensure you retain your best workers.

Read more: How to hire during a global crisis

“If employees are engaged and proud to work for an organisation, they’re likely to be more productive and stay with the organisation for longer,” Pickering told HRD. “This in turn will ultimately result in better customer service, increased sales performance, and improved results in the market."

The Indeed team will be presenting a webinar next week on how to successfully manage employer branding. In line with the session, Pickering shared why branding makes financial sense.

  • Reduces the time needed to fill roles

Higher brand awareness allows firms to dive deeper into the talent pool and leads to a larger number of better-quality applicants.

  • Reduces the cost per hire

This is a result of spending lesser hours searching for the right hire. Also, you won’t need to solely depend on a high compensation premium to attract candidates.

Read more: Five tips for conducting a remote interview

Additionally, it’s important to note that while many things have changed during the pandemic, the stiff competition for top talent will remain in Southeast Asia.

The region offers immense growth opportunities, said Pickering, and the best workers are ‘highly mobile’.

Here, skilled professionals have more choice on where they want to build their careers, so the competition for talent is ‘set to intensify’ – even as we deal with an increasingly candidate-driven market.

“The world is watching how companies treat employees during the COVID-19 crisis,” he said. “People’s tensions and emotions are running high. Business actions will be remembered. A ‘great working environment’ will rank highly in the post-pandemic world.”

Click here to find out the best practices of employer branding during and after the crisis

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