HR technology

'We need to think bigger: How do we leverage AI?'

'We need to think bigger: How do we leverage AI?'

Danielle McMahan, chief people officer at Wiley, discusses culture, pay transparency, career development

AEON rolls out smile-gauging AI tool: reports

AEON rolls out smile-gauging AI tool: reports

Critics cite potential for employee harassment

How many Singaporeans say AI has affected their jobs?

How many Singaporeans say AI has affected their jobs?

'When employers provide safe AI tools, Singapore can cultivate a skilled and adaptable workforce, as well as position the city-state as an attractive talent centre'

Employees would take pay cut for more privacy at work: survey

Employees would take pay cut for more privacy at work: survey

'Privacy and safety concerns have become paramount issues shaping the contemporary workplace landscape'

Just 1 in 4 Japanese employers have introduced AI: reports

Just 1 in 4 Japanese employers have introduced AI: reports

New findings show majority have no plans of introducing AI at work

China leads in generative AI adoption worldwide

China leads in generative AI adoption worldwide

But adoption doesn't necessarily mean effective implementation, report says