Corrs Chambers Westgarth news

Is it 'clear-cut' wage theft? Deakin University admits to underpaying staff

Is it 'clear-cut' wage theft? Deakin University admits to underpaying staff

Union says underpayments could exceed $10 million

5-Star Employment Lawyers

5-Star Employment Lawyers

Who made the exclusive list?

Revealed: Australia's best workplaces to give back

Revealed: Australia's best workplaces to give back

Of the top 40 companies, 88% offer paid volunteer leave, with 61% offering a budget to support volunteering

Rise in contracting heralds new legal risks

As the traditional workplace fractures, HR will have to handle a host of legal issues says one leading employment lawyer

HR managers warned to watch general protections ‘furphies’

Employees and their lawyers are increasingly taking aim at employers using Fair Work general protections provisions, with HR getting caught out by ‘furphies’.