Deloitte chief talent officer: Why you need an anti-violence policy

Company policies are a clear message to staff

Deloitte chief talent officer: Why you need an anti-violence policy

Almost all (90%) leaders in Singapore believe that domestic violence is both a personal and personnel issue.

While nearly eight in 10 (79%) said they have programs to support overall employee wellness, over 74% indicated that they did not have formal policies that address the workplace impact of domestic violence and abuse.

According to the recent study by United Women Singapore, majority are keen to learn more about a targeted strategy to help victims, but half of local leaders admitted that these company-wide policies typically come from headquarters.

Read more: Domestic violence: What’s HR’s role in protecting employees?

Elizabeth Faber, chief talent officer at Deloitte Asia Pacific shared why having a formal policy is the first step to helping victims.

“If we don’t have a policy as a company [showing] that we don’t tolerate domestic and family violence, then [perpetrators] think that it’s okay,” said Faber. “Having a policy sends the signal this is not ‘the normal’.”

She clarified that having a clear anti-harassment policy is important, just as much as perpetuating a culture where colleagues treat each other with respect. However, having specific rules around domestic and family abuse establishes the company’s lack tolerance for any kind of violence.

Read more: How can HR help employees facing family violence?

And what happens if you find out that your employee has been the cause of domestic violence? Faber asked leaders to “tread carefully” and get assistance.

“Our first reaction as a company is, we do not want them working for us,” she said. “They don’t uphold our values.

“That perpetuates the risk of danger to the family, because often they are a significant source of financial stability, and if you remove that as an employer, it makes the situation much worse at home.

“It also eliminates a place that they go off…some distance and space from the family, if they no longer have a job.”

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