Malaysia implements MCO 3.0

The government has cancelled plans to allow Hari Raya-related festivities

Malaysia implements MCO 3.0

Malaysia will face another nationwide Movement Control Order (MCO) from May 12 to June 7 following a persistent new wave of COVID-19. Hari Raya related activities such as house visits and grave visits have also been banned – a backtrack on its initial plan to allow them in a more controlled manner. Aidilfitri prayers, however, are allowed with a cap of 50 people for large mosques, and 20 people for smaller religious venues.

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin has also urged employers to return to a strict work-from-home policy where possible. Under MCO 3.0, workplaces can hold a maximum of 30% of staff at any one time.

“The infection chain of COVID-19 can only be broken by encouraging the people to stay at home through strict movement controls,” he said in a press statement.

READ MORE: MCO 2.0: How can HR support employees?

The latest MCO comes after over two weeks of a constant seesaw on COVID-related decisions by the government. The final “drastic decision” to go into a full lockdown was made to curb the daily highs of 4,000 cases across the country, reported local news.

Measures under its previous plans including exemptions on economic activities like shopping and a ban on social activities will remain. A cross-district and interstate travel ban will take effect from Monday, May 17.

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