Winning support for HR programs at all levels is an important skill for HR professionals to obtain
Securing support for HR programs at all levels is an important skill for HR professionals to obtain and hone at any stage of their career, according to Kate Tones, group people experience manager, Merivale.
Tones told HRD that at its core, the HR function is all about supporting people and adding value.
“It’s very hard to achieve that if your business doesn’t agree with what you believe is important and want to implement, focus on or change,” said Tones.
“I believe that support is not just financial - obviously obtaining budget is a big one - but without support to drive change, communicate consistently and have all people engaged, you won’t succeed, even if you can gain financial backing.”
Indeed, Tones will be a speaker at a panel at the upcoming HR Summit in Sydney on the topic of Securing support for HR programs from all levels.
If Tones could give one piece of advice to HR professionals relating to her topic it would be to focus on the importance of being a good listener.
“At each level of the organisation and from stakeholder to stakeholder, needs or motivations may vary,” said Tones.
“If you listen to what people need and want, you can tailor your program, message and delivery to ensure it is received in a way that has the greatest impact and succeeds.”
Tones added that as a leader of a team of HR professionals, she always encourages her people to attend events to “hear new information from other practitioners, make valuable connections and expand their networks and keep their passion for their craft alive”.
Other topics which will be explored on the panel include:
- Gaining credibility from managers as a true business partner and not a ‘policy policeman’
- Being taken seriously during decision-making discussions
- Why are we sometimes still seen as police officers or firefighters?
- Navigating situations where you have a seat at the table but not the credibility to influence
- Bringing line managers on the journey towards people management excellence
Kate Tones is a speaker at the National HR Summit in Sydney from 26-27 of March.