Allied Brands’ super payment troubles

Allied Brands has reportedly fallen behind on some employee’s superannuation payments, with some staff not seeing contributions since early 2009.

Allied Brands has reportedly fallen behind on some employee’s superannuation payments, with some staff not seeing contributions since early 2009.

According to SmartCompany, the firm has declined to divulge how far behind on its payments, but said it was addressing the problems “as much as they can”.

A former Allied Brands-owned Baskin Robbins store manager Suzi Major, who quit the company in May, said on checking her super fund she found the employer payments had not been met for the previous 11 months.

Despite contacting Allied Brands to chase up her missing super payments, she is downbeat about receiving them.

"I know in my heart of hearts that I am not going to get it," she told SmartCompany.

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