University of Sydney Business School news

What makes for a good employee benefit?

What makes for a good employee benefit?

Three characteristics make for more effective benefits, says Australian academic citing new research

Australian study looks at barriers to speaking up in meetings – and how to encourage input

Australian study looks at barriers to speaking up in meetings – and how to encourage input

'Individuals probably have more agency than they think in speaking up', academic says

Should Australia consider workplace protections around menopause and menstruation?

Should Australia consider workplace protections around menopause and menstruation?

'The law needs to protect women from discrimination for reproductive issues'

Addressing gender inequality in the law profession

Addressing gender inequality in the law profession

'Women tend to be proportionately overrepresented in legal segments which are generally lower paid'

Humanitarian HR: Are refugees the answer to Australia's skills shortage?

Humanitarian HR: Are refugees the answer to Australia's skills shortage?

There are so many qualified, experienced and talented refugees that just need a chance