Nationality related discrimination drops, but ageism debate still raging

Discrimination by employers and HR departments is declining in some key areas, according to new figures released by a senior minister yesterday.

Nationality related discrimination by employers and HR departments has plummeted 25 per cent, according to complaints figures released yesterday.

Senior Minister of State for Manpower, Dr Amy Khor, revealed nationality-related complaints fell from 310 in 2013 to about 230 in 2014.

The figures showed a 25 per cent decline in the reporting of ompanies unfairly hiring based on nationality. 

Ageism will remain another key battleground for the government, though Khor suggested employers were beginning to warm to hiring older workers.

Today Online reports Khor revealed the announced Budget plan to extend the re-employment age to 67 would take place in about two to three years’ time.

In the meantime, employers were encouraged to utilize incentives – such as the Age Management Grant (AGM) and Job Redesign Grant (JRG) – to assist with their age management practices so they can prepare for an older workforce.

The AMG has so far managed to attract more interested employers, with 1400 companies signing on since April 2013, to a total cost of $28 million.

In contrast, the JRG has only managed to entice 46 companies with available funding, meaning only $2 million in funds have so far been committed.

The employment rate of Singaporeans aged 65 to 69 increased slightly from 38% in 2013 to 40% last year.

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