Navigating the gender pay gap: A Masterclass in transparency

Employment law expert Laura Scampion unveils global perspective of equal pay reporting

Navigating the gender pay gap: A Masterclass in transparency

Join us at the HRD Employment Law Masterclass on the 26th of October where Laura Scampion, managing partner at DLA Piper, shines a light on what compulsory gender pay gap reporting means for HR professionals and business leaders.

With her finger on the pulse of global developments, Scampion will share insights into a rapidly evolving landscape that is poised to reshape the way New Zealand thinks about pay equality.

“Gender pay transparency is no longer just a buzzword – it’s an imperative,” she told HRD in touching on the driving forces behind the movement, emphasising the growing importance of transparency driven by environmental, social, and governance principles.

To find out more about the HRD Employment Law Masterclass, click here

“Gender pay transparency has become a real thing… because there's a whole lot of drivers to increase more transparency across pay generally. And that's an ESG thing, really, to be open and transparent about what we're paying people and why,” said Scampion.

Political posturing around gender pay

While Labour has come out pre-election advocating for pay gap reporting, National has been tight-lipped about their stance. Despite the political posturing, Scampion emphasised the inevitability of gender pay reporting’s arrival.

“We’ve seen new legislation being introduced and developed in the US, Canada, and Australia, and then we’ve got the new EU [European Union] directive that’s come in,” she said.

The EU directive places emphasis on a job applicants' rights to salary information and bans intrusive inquiries into pay history from employers.

“Europe is obviously their strong operating economy, and if you want to trade with Europe, European organisations are going to be looking at what you’ve implemented domestically, so it’s unavoidable that gender pay reporting and gender pay transparency is on the way,” said Scampion.

Gender pay gap reporting – insights from across the globe

In advance of the introduction of legislation into New Zealand on gender pay gap reporting, this session will discuss the potential implications of a mandatory reporting system, and the obligations of employers, drawing on experiences of compulsory pay gap reporting across the world:

Paths taken to implementation: Discover the various routes countries around the world have taken on their journey towards gender pay gap reporting. You’ll gain first-hand knowledge of what has worked and what hasn’t, allowing you to formulate a robust strategy for your organisation.

Legal sanctions for non-compliance: What happens if your organisation fails to comply with the new legislation? Scampion will shed light on legal sanctions that (or haven’t) been imposed globally.

External publishing of reports: Transparency is key. Learn the ins and outs of sharing gender pay reports externally, including the benefits, challenges, and the impact on your organisations public image.

Requirements for reducing identified gender pay gaps: Identifying the gaps is just the beginning – dive into the strategies and tactics that organisations have employed to reduce gender pay gaps effectively.

Gain actionable insights into creating a more equitable workplace. Register for the HRD Employment Law Masterclass today. To register, click here; to find out more about the event, click here

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