Change management

Working 3 days at home reduces quit rates: Stanford report

Working 3 days at home reduces quit rates: Stanford report

Managers in study revise views about effects of hybrid work on productivity

Gradual tech introduction important to prevent digital exclusion: report

Gradual tech introduction important to prevent digital exclusion: report

How can employers assist deskless workers through change?

MPI to disestablish 391 positions: reports

MPI to disestablish 391 positions: reports

Ministry warned of increasing workloads of remaining staff after 'huge reduction'

'We need to be constantly pulse-checking with employees'

'We need to be constantly pulse-checking with employees'

2Degrees' Head of People Operations Ryan Ghisi on HR initiatives that include benchmarking, AI, employee engagement

Restructures and redundancies: How HR can maintain employee trust, morale

Restructures and redundancies: How HR can maintain employee trust, morale

'I think we need to be visible on the floor'

Almost all firms using AI for project management plan to hike investment: survey

Almost all firms using AI for project management plan to hike investment: survey

'Pioneering companies’ using AI ‘reaping rewards despite concerns,' says expert