Top politician suggests employer deportation

Northland MP Winston Peters says the government should start deporting immigrant employers who underpay or ill-treat their employees.

A number of worker exploitation cases have been heard by the Employment Relations Authority in recent months, prompting one prominent New Zealand politician to speak out on the subject.

“Immigrant employers caught ripping off workers should face deportation," says Northland MP Winston Peters. “No one should adopt another country and abuse its laws.”

Peters says a disproportionate number of exploitation cases involve immigrant employers who are either unaware of New Zealand’s employment laws or choose to ignore them altogether.

“If the employers are citizens, that's doubly concerning and proves we should tighten citizenship laws,” he noted.

Common unethical practices uncovered by the Labour Inspectorate include requesting employment premiums, underpaying staff, failing to keep accurate records, denying sick leave or holiday pay, and providing no written employment agreement.

"What's happening is a wholesale breach of human rights, forms of slave labour, and countless attacks on the integrity of New Zealand as a good society, whilst many in the establishment are simply turning a blind eye in condemnation,” stressed Peters.

"Such people are a disgrace to New Zealand and should be exposed for being so by every right thinking New Zealander,” he added.

Whangarei –born Peters also called on the government to cut down on immigration and increase the number of labour inspectors from 54.

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