How HR can embrace creativity in a life-changing way

The challenge for HR directors today is to find innovative programs to guide their workforce to maintain focus and strengthen career resilience

How HR can embrace creativity in a life-changing way

The challenge for HR directors today is to find new and innovative programs to guide their workforce, at both executive and middle management level, to maintain focus and strengthen career resilience.

There’s no silver bullet for this, and yet in today’s frenetic work environment where multi-focus, deadline driven schedules leave us less down time than any other working generation before us, the ability of business leaders to mentally untether from a 24/7 world, seems more elusive than ever.

For the more cynical amongst us, downtime is too much of a luxury. Imagine though the true cost on our minds and hearts by not allowing proper space and time to rejuvenate our thinking and step outside the routine of our professional lives.

Jeremy Stone discovered that after 30 years in the corporate world, he felt mentally tired and needed to re-energise. Beyond just another holiday, and dreading the return to work routine, he wanted the mental freedom to explore something very different.

So, he enrolled in acting and painting classes in New York, carving time out for new and invigorating creative experiences and relationships he would not have had the opportunity to do in his career.

He found the experience so fulfilling and life changing, that it fuelled both Jeremy and his wife to create a business to help other professionals untether and gain from clear head space and creative pursuit.

There’s a proven formula for taking on new and life-saving habits formed over a period of 21 days, and it’s a cousin of this concept that Jeremy and Angie have applied to help executives re-ignite their professional mojo in a way that breaks patterns and introduces new and valuable thinking that can be applied to the workplace.

Creative Cities 21 provides professionals with the opportunity to disconnect and step outside their thinking zone to embrace habit-forming creativity in a life-changing way.

The essence of the program includes three weeks in New York, designed with a schedule of activities built into 23 hours per week of active learning in highly stimulating once-in-a lifetime experiences, provided by the city’s leading acting and art studios, a global innovation specialist and proven local business leaders and entrepreneurs.

The winner in all of this is that the 23 hours of the program allows the executive plenty of time to explore and be inspired by one of the world’s great cities. It offers the best of both worlds; purposeful travel and vacational learning.

Priced at just over $5000 (excluding travel and accommodation), the program is designed to allow maximum flexibility for participants from a range of professions who may be wanting a more holistic experience, including those who are seeking a learning and wellbeing respite, or those younger entrepreneurial professionals wanting to connect with multi generation contacts in New York such as sponsors or mentors.

This unique program is designed to help people rediscover the power of their creativity by immersing them in a vibrant world of local creatives and successful and inspirational business people. Participants come back energised with a powerful creative voice and a growth mindset, and it’s this outcome that makes the tour so inspirational. The 2018 program in New York City commences on 12th August. Bookings and further details available at


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