5 Minutes with… Anne Moore, HR leader and CEO of PlanDo Human Capital

Co-founder of Plan Do Human Capital Anne Moore explains what she believes is the future for HR and why she enjoys learning new things quickly.

An experienced CEO and social scientist specialising in human capital and the future of work, Anne Moore co-founded Plan Do Human Capital in 2012.
How would you sum up HR professionals in two words? 
Change facilitators. 
What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? 
Eat an elephant one bite at a time. 

What are some of the biggest challenges that HR is currently dealing with?
Rapidly changing conditions, limited by convention and historical thinking. 
What are some of the most interesting, challenging or unique aspects of your day-to-day role? 
Learning new things quickly. It's very stimulating, rewarding and at times challenging. Applying what you already know in new ways and learning from the margins.  
How do you see the role of HR changing in the future? 
HR is a late entrant to the C-suite. Capability alongside strategy is an increasing focus and in a way it's the hardest bit, navigating unpredictability. It requires vigilant and forward leaning strategists and influencers.  

What breakfast meal do you start your day with?
A cup of tea in bed. 

If you could invite three people to dinner, dead or alive and excluding family and friends, who would that be and why?
Easy. Sadly they’re all dead, bar the wait list. Albert Einstein, just so I could get smarter through osmosis. Steve Jobs, to learn about the intersection of technology and humanity. John Lennon ,to learn about the road to true self. And if there's room at the table for another, Oliver Sacks. I'd be the woman who mistook a neurologist for a dinner guest. 
Complete this sentence: If I wasn’t in HR I’d be…

Running a global software business. 
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