Woolworths news

Woolworths fires employees following November strike

Woolworths fires employees following November strike

Other employees investigated for alleged misconduct during 17-day strike

Enhancing frontline support: Rethinking the employee listening process

Enhancing frontline support: Rethinking the employee listening process

How can organisations improve wellbeing amid the busy holiday season?

Coles to repay $1.5 million for underpaid long service leave

Coles to repay $1.5 million for underpaid long service leave

Employers urged to self-report non-compliance to NSW Industrial Relations

Woolworths 'deeply committed' to reaching deal with striking workers: reports

Woolworths 'deeply committed' to reaching deal with striking workers: reports

Unions warn of 'empty' shelves amid strike at distribution centres

Crown pays over $500,000 due to long-service leave underpayments

Crown pays over $500,000 due to long-service leave underpayments

Wage Inspectorate Victoria investigation finds 309 employees underpaid