Federal Court of Australia news

Hired, fired and converted into independent contractors: are they employees?

Hired, fired and converted into independent contractors: are they employees?

Employer allegedly misleads and misclassifies workers, says court

Fired for making workplace complaints? Worker fights with management

Fired for making workplace complaints? Worker fights with management

Investigation 'biased' and unsubstantiated, claims worker

Court holds 85 Degrees Coffee liable for franchisees' labour violations

Court holds 85 Degrees Coffee liable for franchisees' labour violations

In hot water: Company faces $1.4-million penalty for breaches

Failure to pay accrued annual leave: Court fines 'ignorant' employer

Failure to pay accrued annual leave: Court fines 'ignorant' employer

Court also criticises chief operating officer's 'unfamiliarity with Australian law'

Employer fails to provide 'full-time hours' under contract: Is it dismissal?

Employer fails to provide 'full-time hours' under contract: Is it dismissal?

When is there repudiation? FWC clarifies legal requirements