Deloitte news

New Zealand jobs likely to be 'more exposed' to AI's impact: report

New Zealand jobs likely to be 'more exposed' to AI's impact: report

Treasury note cites 'disproportionate impact on higher-skilled tasks'

What's the key to Gen Z and millennial employees' job satisfaction?

What's the key to Gen Z and millennial employees' job satisfaction?

New report shows young employees want values aligned with employers

New Zealand 'cautious' about generative AI adoption: report

New Zealand 'cautious' about generative AI adoption: report

Only 21% of employees believe their organisation is taking advantage of AI, despite widespread use by employees, students

What are the top factors driving women to leave employers?

What are the top factors driving women to leave employers?

'It is widely understood that more diverse organisations perform better, yet most organisations are not making visible progress on their commitments to gender equality'

HRD HR Awards New Zealand 2024 Winners

HRD HR Awards New Zealand 2024 Winners

Find out the winners and Excellence Awardees at this year's awards