Revealed: The most in demand jobs around the world

Can you guess which job is hardest to fill? Here is where you'll need extra planning to get your recruiting done

If your company relies on a workforce of tradespeople, expect a hard time replacing them. Trades are the hardest positions to fill, according to results from ManpowerGroup’s eighth annual talent shortage survey.

“Talent shortages continue to persist and are impeding employers’ ability to deliver value for their customers,” said Jonas Prising, ManpowerGroup CEO. “Due to the lack of applicants with the right technical competencies, experience and soft skills, one out of three employers struggle to fill open roles. For nearly a decade skilled trades and STEM positions are among the top 10 hardest jobs to fill, both globally and in the U.S.”

Most developed countries are concerned about the shortage affecting their companies’ ability to serve clients, according to survey responses.

The top 10 hardest jobs to fill globally and in the U.S. are:
Global Hardest Jobs to Fill in 2014 U.S. Hardest Jobs to Fill in 2014
1.   Skilled Trades Skilled Trades
2.   Engineers Restaurant & Hotel Staff
3.   Technicians Sales Representatives
4.   Sales Representatives Teachers
5.   Accounting & Finance Staff Drivers
6.   Management / Executives Accounting & Finance Staff
7.   Sales Managers Laborers
8.   IT Staff IT Staff
9.   Office Support Staff Engineers
10. Drivers Nurses
Australia: Hardest Jobs to Fill in 2014 New Zealand: Hardest Jobs to Fill in 2014
1.   Skilled Trades Engineers
2.   Engineers Sales Representatives
3.   Sales Representatives IT Staff
4.   Management/Executives Skilled Trades
5.   Accounting & Finance Staff Management/Executive
6.   IT Staff Technicians
7.   Technicians Accounting & Finance Staff
8.   Laborers Customer Support
9.   Machine Operators Machine Operators
10. Doctors & Health Professionals Supervisor
Canada: Hardest Jobs to Fill in 2014  
Skilled Trades  
Sales Representatives  
Accounting & Finance Staff  
IT Staff  
The state of the talent shortage in…
45% of employers are having difficulty filling jobs
39% of employers struggle to fill vacancies, 10% less than the previous year
34% of Canadian employers struggle to fill open positions, 9% more than last year
New Zealand
A majority 51% of New Zealand employers struggle to fill positions

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