Global Culture Report 2020

Global Culture Report 2020

In spite of some positive advancements in corporate culture over the past 12-18 months, we have uncovered a new wave of challenges: a growing frustration with conventional workplace practices, an alarming increase in burnout, and a rejection of traditional leadership practices and philosophies. Organisations need to break out of the employee lifecycle mentality to focus on the everyday micro-experiences that, for employees, define life at work.

This report draws upon a research study of more than 20,000 employees and leaders across the world who shared their experiences with the sometimes helpful, sometimes harmful aspects of corporate culture where they work.

Download O.C. Tanner’s 2020 Global Culture Report to understand:

  • The importance of everyday micro-experiences and peak moments for employees
  • Why organisations should rethink leadership practices in favour of a shared leadership model
  • How to build stronger connections through more effective one-to-one conversations
  • Why it’s critical to enable teams in which employees feel included, understood, supported and psychologically safe
  • Why organisations that reinforce the 6 core elements of workplace culture outperform their competitors in virtually every aspect of business results

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