[HOT TOPIC] The surprising part of a resume you might want to ignore

If many people are downplaying the importance of college degrees, then why are so many recruiters still requiring degrees in job descriptions?

Do college degrees tell recruiters more about a person’s socioeconomic background then their capacity to perform? We reported on how some companies are turning away from using the traditional degree to assess candidates’ suitability for jobs.

Google’s own senior vice president of people operations even pointed out that those who make their way in the world without a degree are ‘exceptional human beings’. And one reader could relate:
I tend to agree. Even though I earned a masters degree it doesn't make me more capable than someone else. My husband is the smartest man I know and he doesn't have a degree. He's in sales and a degree won't make him a better salesperson. Unfortunately employers don't feel the same way. – Susan Anderson

It seems many employers tend to be disappointed by the way colleges prepare students for the workforce, too: six in 10 Americans, including business leaders, say recent college graduates’ lack of preparedness for the workforce was a problem for the nation.

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