You might have just three weeks in a new job to make a good impression

Depending on the field, some HR professionals have less time than others to make your mark: your crucial window could be just 15 days

Making a good first impression in a new HR role requires more than a stellar resume and a can-do attitude. To truly make your presence felt in the C-suite, you need to enter the fray with a strong strategy engineered towards creating instant positive outcomes.
Senior HR professional Julianne May said a lot can be achieved within the first 100 days – in fact, as an interim HR specialist, her role relies on it – but she believes HR executives have far less time than that to make their mark. 
“What I’ve found during a decade of specialising in HR contracting is that you have about three weeks to make an impact,” May says. 
“This includes things like identifying the quick wins, figuring out where the organisation is currently feeling stress, and identifying where you can make yourself most useful. You also need to look at the long-term business goals so you can decide what action you need to take to support these longer term plans.”
Grasping the organizational structure is important to achieving these outcomes, as is determining the capability of the team you've joined. But beyond that, it’s crucial to plan your HR objectives from the outset.
“It may sound cliché, but you need to step into your role with a plan of what you want to achieve in your first three months and importantly, what you want to become known for,” said Rosemarie Dentesano, Right Management regional practice leader for talent management in Australia and New Zealand.
“To make a good impression, focus on understanding and actioning the high priorities.” 
Before you start making significant changes or developing new strategies, she added, make sure you take the time to listen and understand what the business issues and needs are around you. 
“You can then start to build credibility internally and externally, by developing your personal and professional reputation,” Dentesano said. 

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