Could teleworking save your company money?

The topic of teleworking may be on the lips of every press outlet recently, but with good reason. Most Australians want to work from home, and are even willing to negotiate pay, a new study shows.

The topic of teleworking may be on the lips of every press outlet recently, but with good reason. Most Australians want to work from home, and are even willing to negotiate pay, a new study shows.

A recent study which surveyed more than 580 Australians, conducted by McCrindle Research, found that Australians ranging from the Y generation (80s-00s) to the Builder generation (born before 1945, also known as ‘Silent’) are expressing a desire to work from home in one capacity or another.

So, is it worth considering? The advantages to the employer in allowing flexibility are stark in terms of retention – an overwhelming 80% of those surveyed stated that teleworking options would make them more likely to stay with their current employer.

Additionally, almost half of all surveyed would be willing take a pay cut for teleworking options. Twenty-eight per cent would take 5% less pay for ‘significant flexibility’, 14% would take 10% and roughly 16% would take a hit of 20% (an entire day’s pay).

Not only would employers be saving money, but many would be trading it in for greater productivity. More than half of the Australians surveyed stated they were more productive when working from home. This statistic increased with age, with 45% of Gen Y agreeing, rising to 52% for Gen X, 61% for Baby Boomers and 73% for The Builder generation.

These statistics don’t necessitate that all employees want to do away with the office, however. Not only do more extroverted personalities favour working mainly from an office, 68% of Australians feel that both the culture and output of an office is enhanced by applying a mix of office work and flexibility options. Only 4% of Australians surveyed stated they see no benefit for workers to gather in an office.

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