Voice Project news

Has engagement run its course?

There’s no doubt ‘Engagement Has Run Its Course’ (issue 166, 25 November, p1) is a catchy headline for your magazine and Professor Roger Collins’ breakfast presentation. I applaud the challenge it poses practitioners. Based on research by Voice Project at Macquarie University, however, I’d be willing to wage a large sum of money that managers will still be closely measuring engagement for many years to come

Demographic fault line running through workforce

There is a “demographic fault line” running through the Australian labour force, whereby generational gaps will see the number of new entrants to the workforce decrease steadily over the next 50 years, according to leading demographer Bernard Salt

2006 HR Awards open for business

THE AUSTRALIAN HR Awards are once again shaping up as the HR benchmarking event of the year, with an unprecedented level of interest from HR professionals around the country

Taking the personnel pulse: employee surveys

Employee surveys can be useful in measuring any number of workforce-related issues. However, as Karalyn Brown writes, such surveys are doomed from the start if they are HR’s responsibility alone

Debunking the myths around work/life balance

Work/life balance has often been touted as a key to attracting and retaining staff. However, as Peter Langford and Louise Parkes write, employees don’t care much for the concept of striking a balance between their personal and work lives